In ancient times Israelites were the original Egyptians. Egypt was a holy and spiritual Land where all the knowledge resided at that time. The ten commandments came from the Egyptian book of the Dead. Israelites not knowing this. Means we Inadvertently broke rule number one of our Lord ten commandments. It said thou shall not put another deity before me. That means that when they came to our land and saw the vastness on our knowledge they decided to take it. because of our history we have violated rule number one.
In the Bible it said that we were kings and Queens, God’s and goddesses. the Bible said that we were endowed with an internal and immortal soul of the gods. the Bible said that we were the first and favorite race created by our Lord. knowledge of ancient Egypt is forbidden knowledge. It is forbidden because we would learn the truth. Forbidden In the hopes that the Israelites would never ever discover their true heritage. And discover the teachings of our Lord. But our Lord was wise. And he left us a message for the wise Israelites. And he said seek and thou shall find and the truth will set you free.
Israelites you must seek, embrace, contemplate and accept the truth, it is the only way. With out our Lord Teaching we will not grow an be all that Our Lord want’s us to become. the gods and goddesses of the future.
Words of wisdom from our lord teaching: Think not that man is Earth born though come from the Earth he may be. man is a light born spirit. but without knowing, he can never be free. darkness fetters the soul only the one who is seeking may ever hope to be free. Man is only what he believeth a brother of darkness or a child of the light. come thou into the light my children. walk in the pathway that leads to the Sun.
The Reward
Our lord said. ”Turn thy thoughts inward not outward find thou the light soul within. know that thou are the master. all else is brought from within. Grow thou to realms of brightness. Hold thou thy thoughts on the light. know thou are one with the cosmos a flame a child of the light ” By sparking the flame from within, ye shall rise and shine like the stars in the night sky in the cycles above. The true master works with himself not the world.
The punishment
Thou shall be cast down to the darkness of night. For what you have done in the brightness of light. To wonder through the wastelands of time forever. So Look up with your eyes open. and heed the words of our Lord. He telling us to seek and thou shall find. And that’s the only thing that could free us, was truth the path to light. You see if you seek truth you will find light in the darkness of night. and the path back to the teachings of our Lord.
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For a little more clarity check out the post called the truth. there is a reward!