Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken, for truth like the sunlight shines above all.
Our lord loves us he knows what happened to us. and he want us to come home. You must seek truth to discover your divinity to prove yourself worthy of the knowledge of the gods. If you seek truth the path to your freedom and light and life. The path back to our Lord’s teachings. there’s a Reward : We get a sentence reduction for our insolence. For violating the very first rule of our Lord. You earn your way out of the penalty box. out of the darkness of night. To discover our Lord’s teachings you must seek truth and go all the way down the rabbit hole of Truth. In the name of our lord Thoth the God of knowlage wisdom and truth.The next time you are presented with a non truth as truth you will know it! I wonder why truth is taboo?
Non Truth is the Pathway to Death and Darkness. if you don’t like the truth. if you can’t believe the truth. if you have been lied to, so you can’t accept the truth. if you did not know about the truth. if you do not want to know the truth. if you have your own thuth. if you are Delusional about the thuth. if you are fearful of the truth. if you are in denial of the truth. if you have your own version of the truth. if you prefer lies in stead of thuth. if you believe in a conspiracy theory about the truth. | Truth is the Only Pathway to light and life. “Only the truth shall set you free“ |
non truth is the pathway to bondage. non truth is the pathway to darkness. non truth is the pathway to death. non truth is the pathway to the earth, again. Do not make the same mistake again. | through truth is the pathway to be free. through truth is the pathway to the light. through truth is the pathway to internal life. Only through truth is the pathway to heaven. through truth is the pathway to immortality. through truth is the pathway to discover why they call us gods. |
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